Kids Bible Devotional for December 12, 2024

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Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. (NKJV)
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The early 20th century Lebanese-American writer and poet Kahlil Gibran said, “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
Think back on one of the most beautiful scenes you have ever witnessed in nature. Was it the warm colors of falling leaves as summer gives way to autumn? Maybe it was snow-capped mountains, or crystal-blue beaches, or even a cityscape at nighttime when all the towering skyscrapers are awash in light.
Me personally, I love the simplicity and purity of newly fallen snow.
The point is, we all have different answers based on our own preferences and experiences. As the old proverb goes, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” In other words, beauty is a personal choice. And as the quote that opened today’s devotion suggested, beauty is first from the heart. This is especially true when one’s heart radiates the love of God.
Today's Devotion
“Ugh, it’s no use!” Bethany flung another dress onto the mountain of clothes piling up on her bed.
Her mother crept into her room. “Doing some spring cleaning, honey?” she said, peering down at the assortment of dresses, shirts, and skirts that lay haphazardly across Bethany’s bedspread.
“I look stupid, and ugly in everything,” she pouted. She grabbed the glamour magazine off her bedside table. “Why can’t I look pretty like those girls? I’m so plain.”
“I disagree.” Mom began returning the clothes to their hangars. “I think you are much prettier than those girls.”
Bethany scoffed. “Yeah, right. You have to say that because you’re my mom.”
“Beauty is more than your outward appearance, honey.” She swept her hand across the room. “Just look at all these trophies, ribbons, and medals for all your hard work in competition. Not to mention you’re in Choir and you have a beautiful voice. And don’t get me started on your grades. You’re at the top of your class.”
“That has nothing to do with being pretty,” Bethany said.
“It has everything to do with the person you are. And who you are is a beautiful, brilliant, ambitious young lady. Furthermore, if being beautiful means being attractive, you’ve certainly proven that with all the friends you have.”
Bethany playfully rolled her eyes. “You really think so?”
“I do.” Mom sat Bethany down on the edge of the bed beside her. “You may not look like those girls in the magazine, but remember, they are painted up and probably Photoshopped. Who they are as a person doesn’t really show in a photograph.”
Bethany reached for a denim jacket. Mom grabbed a matching floral dress and handed it to her daughter. “Now come on. Get dressed. We’re going to be late for church.”
“Thanks, Mom. You always know the right thing to say.”
Wrap Up
In western society, we tend to have a shallow and unrealistic idea of beauty. The Bible talks about the beauty of holiness. First and foremost, we worship God for the splendor and magnificence of His uniqueness and grace. Secondly, we radiate God’s beauty through our obedience, our worship, and our lifestyle. People are attracted to authentic devotion. For sure, God is.
Charm and physical beauty do not last forever. What you do for God does. Rather than focus on what the world considers appealing, train your eyes to see the beauty of God’s grace that He manifests in you and through you.