Kids Bible Devotional for May 30, 2024

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Focus Verse
Proverbs 4:25 & 27 Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you. Do not turn to the right or the left; remove your foot from evil. (NKJV)
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“[Buzzing sounds]. Shoo. Shoo fly. Get out of here!"
Have you ever had a picnic where those annoying flies or mosquitoes were buzzing around? If so, then you know how these flying menaces can turn what is meant to be a pleasant experience into a nuisance.
One of the names given to the enemy of our soul is Beelzebub. Beelzebub means "lord of the flies”. And flies bring unwelcome distractions. If you don’t believe me, just watch how someone reacts when these insects fly around them and their food. Their focus is off the meal and onto these little pests.
We don’t need flies to know a thing or two about distractions, though. Our busy lives are filled with activities and obligations that can get our eyes off Jesus and onto our personal priorities or problems.
Fixed, focused, and free – that’s how we can describe a mind stayed on Jesus. A moment in His presence and our eyes are fixed on Him.
Today's Devotion
Gabrielle’s father walked around the corner of the house carrying an oblong-shaped tank strapped to his back. A long cylindrical hose protruded from the top of the tank with a sprayer nozzle on one end. She stopped riding her bike to get a good look at the strange contraption. It reminded her of some kind of futuristic weapon. In a way, it was a weapon. The tank contained poison to kill mosquitoes.
Dad set the tank inside the garage. “Okay, I think I got them all,” he said.
“Are you sure you got all of the mosquitoes, Dad?” She asked.
“This is my second tank. Right now, I could use some water.” He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. “Whew! Is it ever hot out here.”
Mom arrived with a glass of ice water and handed it to Gabrielle’s father. “Don’t mind, Gabby,” she said. “She’s just a little nervous about the backyard barbeque this weekend. She’s invited the entire youth group from church over for hot dogs and hamburgers.”
Dad took a long swig of water. “You know, while I was out there killing mosquitoes, a thought came to me. Our sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus. But, if we aren’t careful, sin can come back like mosquitoes do.”
Gabrielle shook her head, laughing. “Some of your analogies, Dad. What do you mean?”
“Well, think about it. A swarm of mosquitoes can be a real problem. They spawn in stagnant water. They bite and drain your blood. They’re flying vampires, if you will. Just like sin can be if we don’t keep our hearts and minds clear of the trash this world spews. Without righteousness, sin can overtake us before we know it.”
“That’s why we need to stay prayed up. We can’t let the distractions – or to put if differently, spiritual mosquitoes of the world – affect our relationship with Jesus. We must put Him first in everything,” Mom added.
“Say, that’s a pretty good lesson, Dad,” Gabrielle said. “Maybe you can give it at the barbeque this weekend. That is, if anybody shows up.”
“Are you kidding?” Mom said. “Most of the mothers have already texted me that their kids are super excited about coming. They can’t wait! I think there will be plenty of people there to hear this lesson.”
“Then I better get inside and put a few thoughts on paper,” Dad said.
Wrap Up
Just because we are saved and know Jesus doesn’t mean we are immune to sin. We’ve got to make sure those sins stay buried under the blood of Jesus. But not just sin, but even good things can become distractions from what’s most important. That is our daily walk with God. Every day, we must find time in His presence and His Word.
The best pest control for sin and spiritual neglect is prayer and God’s word. This is the basis of our daily communion with God.
Have you been to the throne room today? If not, Jesus is waiting for you.