Kids Bible Devotional for October 31, 2024

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Focus Verse
Ephesians 2:5 That even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!) (NLT)
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[Creaking door]. “Hello? Is anyone home? Oh, this place gives me the heebie-jeebies.”
“Welcome,” [Dracula voice]
“Ah!” [screams]
What is it about ghosts and ghouls that is so appealing? Maybe it’s because we like to feel afraid at times. Yet, the Bible says that God has not given us the spirit of fear. What these stereotypical figures that pop up in American towns and cities between Labor Day and Thanksgiving have in common is the specter of death. More specifically, their ability to exist in death or overcome it all together. That power, however, belongs to the Lord.
The Bible is filled with contrasts between life and death. Death is the wages of sin. Eternal life comes by Jesus Christ our Lord, who overcame death through His resurrection. Our initial resurrection comes through salvation.
Today's Devotion
“I don’t like this time of year,” Charlotte said, gazing into the display window of a costume shop. “All these monsters really creep me out.”
“I know what you mean,” Mom said. “I don’t really like all this attention we give to ghosts and goblins. But just out of curiosity, which one creeps you out the most?”
“Probably the zombies. They are so old and ugly looking. But it’s the thought that some creature can rise from the dead to attack people that’s the scariest part for me.”
“Yeah, I don’t like zombies either. But resurrection from the dead doesn’t have to be scary.”
Charlotte’s jaw dropped. “Wait! Are you saying people really do rise from the dead?”
“In a sense, yes. But not in the way that they show in movies. The Bible says that before we came to Jesus, we were dead in our sins. Spiritually speaking, we weren’t alive. When we were baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, it’s like we were brought back to life.”
“Oh, right, and Jesus really did come back to life,” Charlotte said. “He surely wasn’t a zombie.”
“That’s right. And one day, Jesus will give us a new body that cannot die. And I can promise you, we won’t look like a zombie.”
Charlotte sighed. “That’s a relief. I’m glad zombies are just make-believe. But being born again? Now, that’s for real.”
Wrap Up
Hollywood makes resurrection out to be something frightening. With Jesus, His resurrection was something beautiful. That’s because Jesus is in the business of giving new life to dead hearts.
The Bible says that by one man’s disobedience, sin entered into the world, and death by sin. This applies not only to our physical bodies, but our spiritual nature as well. Only the one who raised Himself from the dead has power to give us abundant life in this world and eternal life in the world the come.
We are no longer spiritual zombies, existing in this world but spiritually dead. We have life, and life more abundantly.