Kids Bible Devotional for August 22, 2024

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Hebrews 9:12 With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. (NLT)
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What is red and is a carrier, a garbage collector, and fighter all in one?
Let me give you two more hints. You are filled with it from head to toe and you can’t live without it. If you guessed blood, you are correct. Blood is like a carrier in that blood transports oxygen and nutrients to your body's tissues and organs. It’s like a garbage collector in that it takes carbon dioxide and other waste products to certain parts of your body to eliminate. Blood also fights infections and protects your body from germs.
Are you one of those people who doesn’t like the sight of blood? If you are, don’t worry. Lots of people are. It takes a special person who can work around blood. But blood is important. How important is blood? The Bible says that the life of a creature is in the blood. You need blood to survive. The Bible also says that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Not just any blood has the power to fully eradicate sin. Only Jesus’ blood can do that.
Today's Devotion
Daniel sat on the edge of the examination table in the doctor’s office, nervously swinging his feet back and forth. His mother flipped through a medical brochure beside him.
“Are they going to use a needle on me?” Daniel asked.
His mother looked up from the pamphlet. “Yes, dear. They’re going to have to draw some blood from you.”
“I don’t like needles. They hurt.”
“I know the doctor’s nurse, and she’s very good at what she does. She will make it as quick and painless as possible.”
“But why do they need my blood?”
“They’re needing it to run some tests,” Mom replied.
“It’s just red stuff. What can they possibly find in it?” Daniel fumed.
“A doctor can find a lot of things from your blood. They can check for diseases and make sure everything is in the right balance. Blood also contains DNA. This is your body’s building blocks, and what makes you uniquely you.”
The nurse walked in carrying the supplies she needed to draw Daniel’s blood and a lollipop which she handed to Daniel.
Daniel put on a brave face while the nurse did her job, but he did not like it at all. On their way out of the office, Daniel stuck the lollipop in his mouth as a well-deserved reward. “Okay, I didn’t like that at all. But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
“I told you it wouldn’t be,” Mom said. “Think about this. It wasn’t nearly as bad as what Jesus experienced when He shed His blood for our sins.”
“Was there DNA in Jesus’ blood?” Daniel asked.
“I’m sure there was. But His blood had more than just DNA in it. It had the power to wipe away man’s sins.”
“That’s pretty powerful blood.”
“It sure is, son,” Mom said
Wrap Up
Most people get a little squeamish talking about blood. Yet, there are so many fascinating things that are in our blood. Like we learned in the devotion, scientists can study the blood to discover our genetic traits. Blood tests are used by doctors to determine our health condition and to plan treatment when things are a little off kilter.
But there is no blood more powerful or more precious that the blood of Jesus. Jesus shed His blood as a sacrificial lamb to purchase our freedom from sin. Never, ever forget the awesome price Jesus paid for us at Calvary.