Kids Bible Devotional for September 19, 2024

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Focus Verse
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (KJV)
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“And now, ladies and gentlemen, for my next trick, I will make all your past mistakes disappear,”...said no one ever.
Harry Houdini is one of the most famous magicians in all the world. He was known as the King of Escapes. Born in 1874, Houdini began his career as a magician in 1891 with little success. His career took off in 1899 with his handcuffs act where he freed himself from shackles. This led him to make death-defying escapes part of his shows. He escaped from handcuffs used by Scotland Yard, milk barrels, mail bags, metal boilers, straightjackets, water chambers, and chained boxes thrown into the river.
Despite his success, he, or any magician for that matter, can never be able to escape the bondage of sin on their own. For that, they, and all of us, need God.
Today's Devotion
During their slumber party, Kimmy and Madison made up silly games to make each other laugh.
“Okay, try this,” Kimmy began, giggling. “Touch your elbow with your tongue.”
Madison attempted the feat with no success. The more she tried, the more the two girls burst into raucous laughter. They became so loud that Kimmy’s mom came into her room to check on them.
“What has got you girls all riled up?” Kimmy’s mom asked. “We can hear you from the living room.”
“Madison was trying to lick her elbow.” Kimmy gasped between words. Madison doubled over in laughter.
“You girls are so silly,” Mom said, smiling. “I must admit, though, that is a tough trick. I know something that is much harder. In fact, it’s absolutely impossible for anyone to do. You want to know what it is?”
Kimmy’s eyes grew wide. “Yes! Tell us! We want to try it.”
“I don’t think it’s a challenge you or anyone else is up to, but we read about it in the Bible.”
“Oh, cool. A Bible lesson.” Madison clutched a pillow. “I love your lessons, Mrs. Harlow.”
“Well, the Bible says that we are saved by grace through faith. No matter how many good deeds we do or how perfect we try to be, we cannot save ourselves. Salvation is a gift from God.”
“I know a girl in school who thinks as long as you are a good person, you will make it to heaven,” Kimmy said.
“A lot of people believe that,” her mom said. “But salvation comes by Jesus Christ. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, we can be saved when we obey the gospel. In fact, you have a better chance of touching your elbow with your tongue than saving yourself.”
Then Kimmy’s mom tried to do the trick herself. This made the girls start to laugh all over again.
Wrap Up
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.” With this one statement, Jesus made it clear that the only possible chance that we can be saved is through Him. This declaration was so powerful, that the earlier followers of Jesus were known as people of the Way.
Salvation is a gift of God. We cannot earn it through good deeds. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. He went to the cross to make that possible for you and for me. For all humankind.